Be a survivor, Not a Victim!
I have always had an extreme work ethic and love for my kids that pushes me to get things done... To the point of working myself to death. If I need something, I rarely ask for help.. I find a way. With everything that's happened Over the last week I have felt like the devil was attacking me and my family... But all he has succeeded in doing is lighting a fire under me!! I will bounce back, I will support my family and it will be bigger and better than ever. He can't mess up God's plan for our lives! I have more faith and drive than ever before! I'm growing stronger everyday. You can't break me! I've already been thru hell, so give it your best shot, not only will I survive, I will WIN! I'm strong, I won't sit around and feel sorry for myself! I will rise up even stronger because I'm a survivor not a victim! There is NOTHING I can't achieve!